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Culinary Explorations




Make Your Own Fire Cider with Brooke Walsaw of Terrior Herbals

Brooke will be walking participants through the step-by-step instructions in creating your very own fire cider. What is fire cider? Fire cider is basically spicy herbal vinegar, often sweetened with a little honey. It is taken by the dropperfull or spoonful, depending on the cider’s strength and imbiber’s palette. Make it spicey, make it mild, make it your own in this fun, interactive workshop.









Preserve Your Harvest with Jana Vanderhaar of Verdant Connections


Jana has spent the last 20 years creating a beautiful permaculture-inspired backyard and knows a thing or two about how to best and easily keep your garden feeding you well beyond harvest season. 

Learn how to make your own tomato sauce in this bijou in-person workshop offered by GrowingNV in partnership with Reno’s Inaugural Local Food Faire.

Jana will be on hand to help attendees learn what tools are needed, simple tips and tricks on how to can beyond just the terrific tomato well as storage times and warning signs to look out for! Workshop attendees will leave with her tomato sauce recipe and a goodie bag full of local food fun.




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Seed Starting with Botanical Interest Representative Shelley Brant


Want to learn more about how to grow your own food? It starts with the seed! No matter if you have a bay window, containers or a little raised bed, it’s very much possible to connect to the joy of seeing a seed sprout into something beautiful and delicious!


From what seeds perform well in our region, to the best tips and tricks in regards to starting a garden, workshop participants will leave not only with a goodie bag full of local food fun (including a few free packets of seeds) but also feel more informed, empowered and inspired to start growing their own food from seed!




— Eat Your Altitude —


© 2023 Local Food Network

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